Sugar Alcohols Explained

2019-12-18T10:21:54-07:00FAQ, Ingredients & Quality|

Sugar alcohols, also known as polyols, are substances with a naturally sweet taste that are found in vegetables and fruits like pears, nectarines, and cherries. They provide fewer calories per gram than regular sugar. They [...]

Adaptogens + Caffeine

2022-05-17T11:20:15-07:00Energy and Focus, Weight Management|

If you’re like nearly 80% of U.S. adults, you already consume some kind of caffeinated beverage daily, but are you taking advantage of adaptogens?  You probably know about the energizing effects of caffeine, but more and more people [...]

BĒA: Your Clean Energy Solution

2022-05-17T11:18:55-07:00Energy and Focus|

Natural might be the last word that comes to mind when you look at typical energy drinks. Introducing BĒA™ Sparkling Energy Drink. BĒA stands for botanical energy + adaptogens. It’s a clean sparkling energy drink [...]

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