When used as part of a system combining Shake Days and Cleanse Days, Isagenix products improve body composition and contribute to better heart health during weight loss. They also offer better long-term weight maintenance compared to traditional heart-healthy dieting.
Spring Newsletter: Cleansing
The Spring Newsletter is all about Cleansing. Whether your goal is weight loss, overall health, or performance, read about the science behind why Cleansing can help you achieve your goals. In this issue find tips for a successful Cleanse Day and in-depth explanations of what is happening in your body at each stage of the process.
How Much Water Should You Drink on Cleanse Days?
Water is essential for life. It makes up around 70 percent of our bodies and is one of the most important influences on overall health. Drinking the right amount of water is critical for supporting all of the body’s essential functions, particularly detoxification. So how do you know if you are staying well hydrated, especially on a Cleanse Day?
5 Things You Should Know About Cleansing
The New Year calls for a fresh start and a renewed commitment to reaching your weight-loss, health, and fitness goals. It’s why January is one of the most popular months for performing Isagenix Cleanse Days for getting rid of unwanted pounds and inches.
Cleanse Day 101: It Might Not be as Challenging as You Think
Australian qualified dietitian Dani C. gives you tips to help you through your Cleanse Days. “With everything I’ve studied and tried, I felt my best with Isagenix and knew there was something special here,” Dani says. “I knew I had to get involved and introduce people to these products.” Listen to Dani dive into the mindset needed for Cleanse Days, and how to plan ahead for success.
Cleanse Days Are Safe and Effective for Weight Loss
Ever had questions about whether performing “Cleanse Days” on a regular basis (once or twice a week of intermittent fasting as on an Isagenix plan) is truly healthy as a weight-loss approach? It’s clear from the testimonials and before-and-after pics that cleansing this way works wonders, but often people including health professionals have questioned, “Is it truly safe and effective?”
How Endurance Athletes Can Benefit From Cleanse Days
At Isagenix, a frequently asked question of runners and other endurance athletes is "can Cleanse Days be used without hurting performance?" The answer is yes... with a few exceptions.
Best Cleanse Day Practices
Trainer: Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD Registered Dietitian and Isagenix Nutritionist Gillean Barkyoumb shares her Cleanse Day tips with Jill Knight, Kathy Coover’s Personal Trainer. Learn why sticking to a schedule and using [...]
Myth: Cleanse Days and Exercise Are a “No Go”
False! Despite whether you’re incorporating Cleanse Days or not into your program, you can always benefit from exercise. While Cleanse Days add a powerful tool to the Isagenix system, exercise offers its own unique benefits [...]
Why Use Whey Protein to Break Your Cleanse Day
One of the principal findings of clinical studies around intermittent fasting with Isagenix-style Cleanse Days is that it can be an efficient method to accelerate fat loss and improve health markers (1-3). However, especially for the physically [...]