Fitness + Well-Being
Do You Know How Stiff Your Arteries Are?
Similar to a kinked or defective hose, stiff arteries have trouble delivering blood to vital organs. To improve cardiovascular health, health professionals often recommend making key dietary and lifestyle changes: healthy weight management, [...]
Pre and Post Workout Nutrition with Isagenix
Trainer: Research Nutritionist Katie Coles, MS, RD, CPT The pre- and post-workout windows are critical periods where optimal nutrition can be used to maximize exercise gains. Learn how to best use Isagenix products [...]
The Dangerous Fat You May Not Know You Have and Why Cleansing Can Help Reduce It
Deadly visceral fat can be reduced through cleansing, exercise, and a healthy diet. Imagine for a moment that you have x-ray vision and can see through skin viewing the insides of the people [...]
Is Your Health At Risk Due to Too Little Vitamin and Mineral Intake?
American diets still lack several vitamins and minerals. The majority of Americans don’t get enough of the nutrients that are essential for lifelong health, according to the latest national survey research. The National [...]
12 Reasons Why You Need Ageless Essentials with Product B
Ageless Essentials with Product B fills nutritional gaps and supports overall health. How many days per week do you eat five fruits and vegetables? Did you consume two servings of fish last week? [...]
How Does Isagenix Benefit Heart Health?
Trainer: Director of Science Communications David Despain M.Sc. February is American Heart Month and the perfect time to learn more about the ways that Isagenix can benefit the health of your heart. Listen in [...]