Fitness + Well-Being
New Year’s Resolution Prep: A Look Back at Top Isagenix Cleansing and Science Articles From 2016
Over the course of the year, the Isagenix Research and Science team has committed to delivering evidence-based health, fitness, and product articles to help you reach your personal health goals, and coach others in doing the same.
World Travelers: Don’t Let Jet Lag Ruin Your Vacation
The joys of traveling the world seem endless, seeing exciting places, meeting new people, eating exotic foods, and experiencing life in a corner of the world other than your own. But there’s a potential downer that can ruin even the best-laid travel plans: jet lag.
How Much Vitamin D Should You Take in Winter Months?
It’s that time of year again when temperatures have dropped to their lowest, and it is likely your vitamin D levels have, too. When the sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere at too much of an angle as happens during the winter season, UVB rays are blocked off, and your skin can’t produce vitamin D without them.
Is Lack of Sleep Causing You to Overeat?
Did you know that not getting enough sleep might affect your waistline? Researchers think they have the answer to that question—on average, those who are sleep deprived consume about 385 calories more than they normally would per day.
Podcast: Staying Healthy During the Holidays
With so much going on during the holiday season, it can be hard to find balance. Listen in as Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Lindsay Gnant shares her tips for staying healthy for the holidays. Lindsay offers ideas for making healthy choices most of the time, so you can indulge a little on special occasions.
What Is the PRISE Protocol?
When new studies found that both athletic men and women significantly improved their performance while using Isagenix products, a natural interest piqued for what exact protocol the subjects used to get their results.