Fitness + Well-Being
How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could choose which areas of your body lose fat? Unfortunately, we have no say in the matter of fat burning, as that process is largely dictated by neural factors and hormones in the body. Scientific studies have revealed more about the factors that determine why our bodies burn fat in certain places.
Whey Protein Reduces Post-Exercise Eating
Is having a big appetite after the gym getting in the way of your weight loss? Drinking a whey protein-based shake immediately after working out could help prevent overeating after going to the gym, a small UK study reports.
Avoid Weight Regain With 5 Metabolism Boosters
After you lose weight, your metabolism slows down, making it easier to regain weight. Once you gain the weight back, the harder it is to lose again. Your experience with weight loss and weight maintenance doesn’t have to be this way. If you know how to employ a few nutritional and lifestyle strategies, you may be able to optimize your metabolism.
Should You Use Isagenix Products If You’ve Had Weight-Loss Surgery?
If you’ve had gastric bypass, gastric-sleeve, lap-band, or other weight-loss surgery, it’s always important to talk with your doctor before making a significant change to diet or lifestyle, including starting any Isagenix System.
All in Your Head: Is Brain Drain Demotivating You to Train?
Regular gym goers are just as much victims of mental fatigue as elite athletes. With long work days, family obligations, and everyday stress, workouts can suffer resulting in a lack of progress and frustration.
How Athletes Shred Fat With Alex Mohr
The most common fat loss-tips won’t work for the average athlete. Isagenix R&D Research Nutritionist Alex Mohr sheds light on how athletes can lose unwanted fat while retaining lean muscle mass. Tune in as Alex educates listeners on the importance of strength training, cardio, and nutrition for athletes and fat loss.