Fitness + Well-Being2022-05-17T10:21:13-07:00

Fitness + Well-Being

How Athletes Shred Fat With Alex Mohr

The most common fat loss-tips won’t work for the average athlete. Isagenix R&D Research Nutritionist Alex Mohr sheds light on how athletes can lose unwanted fat while retaining lean muscle mass. Tune in as Alex educates listeners on the importance of strength training, cardio, and nutrition for athletes and fat loss.

Resisting Workplace ‘Food Altars’—Look to the Water Cooler

For busy professionals, the simple act of walking down an office corridor or into a break room can cause damage to any healthy eating plan. There runs the risk of passing by a “food altar,” which appear to materialize out of nowhere, offering goodies—usually in the form of cookies, birthday cake, or leftover bagels and doughnuts from executive meetings—in a seemingly deliberate attempt to sabotage your weight-loss goals.

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