Isagenix Helps You Cut Sugar With These Five Swaps

2018-03-19T14:22:28-07:00Ingredients & Quality, Weight Loss, Weight Management|

In the U.S., the average person consumes more sugar than anywhere else in the world. According to market research firm Euromonitor, daily sugar intake is now up to 126 grams. That is almost 32 teaspoons of sugar or about 500 extra calories every day. Health experts agree that too much sugar is bad for our well-being. Scientific research points to potential links between too much sugar, especially in the form of sugary drinks, and problems like weight gain and the risk of developing heart disease (1-3).

Cleanse Days Are Safe and Effective for Weight Loss

2018-03-19T14:40:07-07:00Cleansing, Weight Management|

Ever had questions about whether performing “Cleanse Days” on a regular basis (once or twice a week of intermittent fasting as on an Isagenix plan) is truly healthy as a weight-loss approach? It’s clear from the testimonials and before-and-after pics that cleansing this way works wonders, but often people including health professionals have questioned, “Is it truly safe and effective?”
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