Using Isagenix Products With a Thyroid Condition

2018-03-16T10:36:52-07:00FAQ, Safety|

If you have a thyroid condition, working with your doctor to successfully keep your thyroid levels within a healthy range is your first priority. With a doctor’s guidance and monitoring, you can also incorporate the nutritional support of Isagenix products into a healthy lifestyle.

Five Isagenix Quality Practices You Can Count On!

2018-04-12T16:12:36-07:00Ingredients & Quality, Multimedia, Safety, Science Talks|

Knowing what you are putting into your body is essential for good health. Listen as Director of Science Communications David Despain M.Sc., details the processes in place to ensure that every ingredient in Isagenix products is absolutely safe and of the highest quality. By putting this much care into no-compromise quality assurance standards, Isagenix does right by its customers and their health.

Do You Know If You Have Celiac Disease?

2018-03-16T14:10:05-07:00Ingredients & Quality|

Did you know that even though celiac disease affects only one in 133 people in North America, 83 percent of those people go undiagnosed? For those who might be affected, celiac awareness can be the first step to feeling better as it can take an average length of four years for a person exhibiting symptoms to be diagnosed. The only known treatment for celiac symptoms is a strict diet free of gluten, which is the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.
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